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About Arleen

Welcome - Meet Arleen


Hi everyone, I’m Arleen. Thanks so much for visiting my website.

I’m an East Kilbride based Pilates teacher. I began my fitness career back in 1990, as a trainee fitness instructor.  I eventually went on to successfully manage health and fitness clubs in Glasgow and East Kilbride. When I became a Mum, I decided to swap the longs hours and the shift work to focus on teaching classes. I can’t believe that over 30 years later, I’m still doing a job that I absolutely love and still helping people reach their personal goals. 

It wasn’t all plain sailing though. In January 2011, things changed.  My Dad died.

I decided I’d had enough.

My motivation for teaching was gone. Bodypump, Bodybalance, LBT, Aerobics – all the classes I taught – I had fallen out of love with teaching.

Then I discovered Pilates.

I decided to retrain in Pilates, Yoga and pregnancy & postnatal exercise. I wanted to choose this specialist route because I want to re-educate women on how to exercise both during pregnancy and afterwards.  I also decided to train as an exercise referral teacher, allowing me to work with clients who suffer with any conditions which limit their ability to exercise. This then allowed me to specialise further. I had a particular interest in lower back pain having being a sufferer following the birth of my children, hence training as a Level 4 Lower back pain specialist.


I've received training in the following disciplines so you are in great hands !!

Level 4

- Active IQ Lower back pain specialist instructor 

Level 3

- Active IQ Pilates Teacher / Personal Trainer 

- Active IQ Ante/post Natal teacher, 

- Active IQ Exercise/GP Referral Teacher 

- BSY NCFE Pilates teacher 

- BSY Yoga Teacher 


Level 2

- YMCA Exercise to music & RSA Exercise to music, 

- Fitkid OCR children's exercise instructor, 

- Aqua Teacher 

- Gym instructor 

Additional modules and CPD training 


Fitness Pilates instructor training

Fitness Pilates Mindfulness & breathing 

Fitness Pilates BRAINFIT instructor training 

Fitness Pilates advanced back care course

Fitness Pilates for orthopaedic conditions 

Fitness Pilates health coach

Mindfulness diploma

Lift Lean womens weights programme coach

Swissball instructor, Les Mills Bodypump, Les Mills Bodybalance, Salsacise , Keiser Spinning instructor. Postural Analysis & Movement Correction, Advanced Pilates biomechanics, Suspension and Silk Pilates. I specialised further with CPD's for pre and postnatal exercise to include Pilates for Pregnancy, bridging the Gap Pre/postnatal training, Diastasis Detective Pre/postnatal Instructor, Burrell education Advanced CPD in modern postnatal assessment, Core restore and functional exercise programming, Pregnancy Pilates impact Diastasis Recti resolution academy & Pregnancy Pilates Impact teacher training, EXACT Aquanatal instructor

If you have any questions at all ,please do not hesitate to get in touch for a chat .

Arleen xx

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